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Lagree Fitness


Elevated Strength Training


What is Lagree Fitness?

Lagree focuses on slow, controlled movements. This is keeping your muscles activated for extended periods of time. By performing these mini former workouts at a slow pace, you maximize your muscles' time under tension. Each move with be done slow and controlled but you will transition quickly to help keep your heart rate up for a maximum calorie burn. 

About Me

My name is Jessica White and I have been a certified Lagree Fitness trainer for almost 8 years now. This workout to me is one of the most effective full body workouts out there. Wether it’s the only form or you incorporate Lagree with your other favorite workouts it is just what your body will need to help keep you flexible and strong. I will start you at a beginners level that works for you and we will work our way up to your strongest level! 

Who is This Workout Good For? 

EVERYONE! I have taught clients (men and women) from the ages of 16-85. One of my favorite things about Lagree is that every move can be modified for your exercise level. 

How Long is Each Class? 

Each class will be 45 min and every class is a total body workout. You will hopefully leave feeling like every inch of your body was worked!

What Do I Need For Class? 

A pair of grip socks and that’s it!

What are the Package Prices?

First timer- $40
Single class- $80
3 class package- $225
5 class package- $350
8 class package-$520


These will be by appointment only. If you don’t see a time available that works for your schedule please contact me at 770-284-9279 or email

Before you are able to attend a class, you must sign a waiver.  Click on the button below to sign the waiver digitally.

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